If He Does These 10 Things, He’s Falling for You Hard

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There is an adorable beauty to be found in the period when two people fall in love

They are incredibly shy in the company of each other and afraid to make the first move but there must be a few signals that a guy subconsciously sends that can reveal that he’s into you right

and there are but what are they let’s find out together

10 sure signs a guy likes you

10. he is nervous around you

when we talk to our crush we subtle do and say awkward things and act like the weirdest person ever and the guy you like it’s the same

look carefully does he get nervous in your company

any nervous laughter or sweating palms that you detect are clear sides of his nervousness toward you or maybe he quickly tries to look away if you catch him looking at you that’s a pretty good hint too

of course it can be hard to look for all these things as you probably get just as nervous as he does but you can always ask your friend to watch him and then tell you their thoughts afterward

maybe it’ll give you some serious stuff to think about as well as the strength to open up about your feelings to him

9. his body language says so

body language is a very powerful thing and it’s a way for our subconscious to tell the truth even if we’ve decided to lie

in her book master dating Lisa Jimenez revealed a very interesting fact while women have around 50 – body language ways to say that they’re interested men only have 10

it looks like you really have to dig for them

so here’s what you should be looking for if you want to know whether he likes you or not 

a guy in love will be looking at you a lot watching your every move he will lean towards you and try to make eye contact as much as possible

another good indicator is the direction of his feet if they’re pointed toward you it’s a subconscious sign that he may be interested 

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biologically speaking according to body language expert Patti wood huge pupils can say a lot about his attraction to you – as dilation is a brain response that occurs when you like and are attracted to somebody

if at least a couple of these signs are to be found in your guy there’s a great chance that he truly does like you but is afraid to be rejected

8. he touches you often

physical interaction plays a very important part in establishing whether somebody is interested in you or not

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if you like the guy you want to spend more time with him and hold his hand right well guys feel the same urge as well

so they try to get closer to you

the next time you see him pay attention to how he touches you and how he reacts when you touch him

he may hug you tightly when he sees you or touch your hand

it can be anything this all hints at the steady possibility that he’s into you

and if it’s combined with a good response from you touching him like not moving his hand when you touch it and not flinching away or getting tensed up and uncomfortable that’s an even greater signal

but keep in mind the kind of guy he is playboys usually don’t pay attention to such stuff

while shy guys surely won’t be able to hide their true feelings

7. he treats you differently

if the guy likes you he will start to behave protectively towards you and perform gentlemanly and caring moves

look closely for such signals if you want to know how he feels about you

do your problems concern him does he give you his jacket when you’re cold

is he pulling your chair a little bit closer to his if the answers are mostly yes then there’s certainly something to think about there

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if you have the same group of friends try to notice other little details like whether he talks to you more than everyone else listens carefully to all your stories or tries to spend as much time with you as possible

these very simple things can be his way of saying I like you so watch out

6. he shows a sudden interest in your hobbies

for as long as you’ve known him he’s never been interested in drawing then he suddenly asks you about your passion for it and wants to see your work

he wasn’t really into rock music but after you’ve mentioned that it’s your favorite genre he asked you for a couple of recommendations and later said that he’d checked out all of them

he was never really a drama kid and one day you see him in your drama club smiling widely at you in saying he signed up

all this sudden interest in what you’re doing can be a sign that he really likes you

when we fall in love we pick up our boyfriend or girlfriend’s hobbies because we want to know more about them and their world 

maybe that’s exactly what he’s trying to do plus it’s one more topic he can talk to you about so there’s no way to go wrong here

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5. he turns up in places you don’t expect him to be

if you continuously bump into each other outside of school work or any other place you see each other often it might mean that he’s deliberately looking for opportunities to accidentally bump into you and as a result spend more time with you

just think about it and try to remember how many times it’s happened and whether he couldn’t have known that you were going to be there

if it has happened a lot during a short period of time it can’t be a coincidence it’s simply a sign that he’s finding time to go to your favorite places hoping you’ll be there not a bad signal to have right

4. he constantly asks you questions

do you like this what do you think about that can you tell me more about the time you did this

if your crush keeps asking you questions and trying to find more and more details about you it’s no mystery he is into you

asking questions shows his interest in you and indicates that he either wants to keep the conversation going or wants to know every single thing there is about you

each of these variants is very pleasing to note right

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so watch closely if he takes a special interest and does all ears when you’re telling your stories for sharing your opinions this is just another winning signal for you

3. he remembers everything you told him 

guys don’t usually pay attention to lots of the stuff we girls find important and most of the time they only hear parts of what we’re saying but not a guy in love who is trying to catch your attention

if during a conversation you often notice that he remembered what you told him a week or two days ago the name of your favorite band or the fact that you hate olives that counts for something

it means that he’s interested in you and cherishes all the information he has on your preferences and opinions

he may even refer to something you said earlier in a similar type of situation and if this happens here’s some good news for you he’s most definitely into you

2. his friends act a bit strange around you

his close friends probably know he likes you and that’s why they connect a little bit strange around you or give you special treatment pay attention to them and how they act when you two talk

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do they look at the pair of you or often tease him about you maybe they’re smiling or smirking like they know something you don’t when they see you

just like your girlfriend’s joke about your crush and smile mysteriously as you to approach each other his friends behave the same

after all why would they pay any attention to you if you were just as classmate or a girly nose right be careful though if it’s the only sign that matches up this way him liking you is definitely not a sure thing

so proceed with caution

1. he doesn’t use his phone when he hangs out with you

in our era of social media everyone is always on their phones and it’s no wonder since everything is there news photos social media accounts and much more

most people spend time on their phones even when they hang out with friends constantly checking something out and if your crush doesn’t do that and is completely focused on you instead congratulations there’s a high chance that he feels the same 

once again it means that he’s interested in your personality and values your conversation and time together and such a level of dedication is found very rarely and truly shows that he finds you captivating

so maybe if most of these signs can be applied to your crush it’s finally time to tell him how you feel yes it’s scary but do you really want to miss the opportunity of being happy with someone you love

if you master the guts to do so after reading this blog post,  don’t forget to tell us how it all went in the comments below and good luck 

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have you ever confessed your love to somebody how did it go for both of you tell us your stories in the comments below 

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Seyi Funmi

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