7 Habits That Make You Cooler Than The Average Person, According to Psychology

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We all want to feel good about ourselves, right? But there’s a difference between just getting by and truly standing out.

There’s a certain coolness that goes beyond fashion or popularity.

It’s something deeper, more intrinsic—a sense of self that radiates from within and, honestly, it’s something most people can sense.

Now, we’re not talking about the “cool kid” persona from high school.

We’re talking about a level of personal coolness that’s rooted in self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and being genuinely comfortable in your skin.

As I’ve journeyed through my own ups and downs, I’ve noticed how certain qualities not only make life more enjoyable but also make you cooler than the average person.

And the best part is Psychology backs this up!

So, let’s dive into the seven signs that you might just be cooler than most, according to psychological principles—and a bit of personal experience.

1. You Truly Enjoy Yourself

This is where it all starts. If you can enjoy yourself, no matter what the situation, that’s a superpower.

But let’s be clear—enjoyment isn’t about walking around with a big grin on your face 24/7. It’s deeper than that.

Think of a painter or a musician deep in their craft. 

Their brow might be furrowed, their lips tight, and yet, they’re fully immersed in their work. That’s enjoyment. That’s passion. 

I’ve had moments where I was completely absorbed in something I loved, whether it was writing, cooking, or even gardening.

I wasn’t necessarily smiling, but I was in the flow, and time just disappeared. 

That’s when you know you’re cool—when you can get lost in the moment because you truly love what you’re doing.

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Psychology tells us that people who can tap into this flow state are not only happier but more productive and less stressed.

So, the next time you’re engrossed in something you love, remind yourself that you’re embracing a core element of being truly cool.

2. Your Work Is Also Your Hobby

If you’re someone whose work doesn’t feel like “work,” then you’ve hit the jackpot of cool. 

Now, I’m not saying that everything you do has to be all sunshine and rainbows. 

We all have bills to pay, and sometimes we take jobs out of necessity. 

But if you can align your passions with your career—or even just infuse a bit of your hobby into your daily work—you’re ahead of the game.

I remember when I transitioned into freelance writing. It was something I’d always loved, but I was afraid to take the leap.

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However, once I did, I realized how much more energized I felt.

Psychology supports this idea too—when you engage in work you genuinely enjoy, it creates a positive feedback loop.

The more you do it, the more energized you feel, and the more successful you become.

Sure, we all have tasks we don’t love, but if you can make your passion part of your day-to-day life, you’re living that cool, fulfilled life many dream about.

3. You Don’t Mind Looking Bad

This one hits close to home for me because, for a long time, I was terrified of looking foolish in front of others.

But once I learned to let go of that fear, everything changed.

You see, most people associate looking silly with failure. But those who are truly cool? They don’t mind at all. In fact, they embrace it.

We all make mistakes, but it’s the cool people who laugh them off and keep going.

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I once read that the fear of judgment is deeply tied to our sense of self-worth.

The moment you detach from external validation, you start caring less about how you’re perceived. And that’s where the magic happens.

I’ve had moments where I’ve completely embarrassed myself—tripped in public, bombed a presentation, said something awkward at a party—and instead of letting it destroy my confidence, I shrugged it off. 

Psychology says that people who can detach from these fears of judgment often perform better in life because they’re not held back by insecurity.

It’s liberating, and it makes you infinitely cooler in the eyes of others because confidence, my friend, is contagious.

4. You Don’t Engage in Drama

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in life, it’s that drama is a huge energy drain. And guess what? 

People who are truly cool don’t waste their time on it. They’ve got better things to do. 

Cool people understand that life is too short to get caught up in petty arguments or emotional tug-of-wars.

They’re selective with their energy and know when to walk away.

This doesn’t mean you avoid conflict at all costs.

It means you don’t let unnecessary drama pull you in. You set boundaries.

I remember a time when I used to get caught up in other people’s problems. It was exhausting. 

But once I started setting clearer boundaries and saying “no” to drama, my life became lighter. I felt more in control, more at peace.

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Psychology agrees with this approach. 

Research shows that people who avoid unnecessary conflict and maintain strong boundaries are generally happier and less stressed.

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So, the next time someone tries to pull you into a dramatic situation, just remember: walking away is not only healthy—it’s the cooler thing to do.

5. You Aren’t Self-Obsessed

There’s something incredibly cool about people who are genuinely interested in others and the world around them.

It’s refreshing, and frankly, it’s rare.

We live in a world that’s hyper-focused on self-image, social media likes, and personal validation. 

But those who are truly cool aren’t obsessed with themselves. 

They’re out there contributing, helping, and engaging with the world in a meaningful way.

I’ve noticed that the more I focus on giving back or simply being present for others, the happier I feel.

It’s a shift in perspective—from “What do people think of me?” to “How can I make a positive impact today?” 

Research shows that being outward-focused and altruistic not only boosts our mood but can also reduce cortisol levels, which is linked to lower stress and better heart health.

In a world that’s constantly pushing us to focus inward, being someone who genuinely cares about others makes you a breath of fresh air—and definitely cooler than the average person.

6. You’re Close Friends With Your Health

This one might seem obvious, but it’s worth mentioning: Cool people take care of themselves. 

Now, I’m not saying you need to be a fitness model or live on green smoothies, but paying attention to your physical and mental health is crucial.

If you feel good, you’re going to live better, period.

For me, this means staying active, eating well most of the time (hey, I still love a good pizza), and making sure I get enough sleep. 

But it’s more than just the physical aspect. 

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It’s about nurturing your mental health too—whether that’s through mindfulness, meditation, or just making time to decompress.

When I started prioritizing my health, I noticed a huge shift in my energy levels and overall happiness.

Psychology tells us that physical and mental well-being are deeply intertwined. If you’re neglecting one, the other will suffer.

So, if you’re someone who takes care of their health, you’re not just being responsible, you’re showing the world that you respect yourself. And that’s incredibly cool.

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7. You’re Allergic to Mediocrity

Cool people don’t settle for “just enough.” 

They push themselves to be extraordinary. This doesn’t mean you have to be a billionaire or the best at everything you do.

It means you aim high, refuse to coast, and strive to be the best version of yourself.

There was a time when I found myself stuck in a routine, just going through the motions. And guess what? I felt mediocre.

It wasn’t until I set higher standards for myself that I began to feel more energized and motivated.

When you aim for excellence, you attract opportunities and people who share that same drive. 

Psychology supports this too—people who set higher goals for themselves and push beyond mediocrity tend to be more fulfilled in life.

They have a sense of purpose, which fuels their passion and keeps them engaged in their work and personal lives.


Being cool is about more than just surface-level traits or what’s trendy.

It’s about who you are at your core and how you navigate the world.

If you see yourself in any of these seven signs, congratulations—you’re cooler than the average person. And if you don’t, don’t worry.

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These qualities are something you can cultivate over time. 

The important thing is that you’re aware of what truly matters: living authentically, caring for others, and striving for something greater than mediocrity.

At the end of the day, true coolness comes from within. It’s the way you carry yourself, how you treat others, and the standards you set for your own life.

And if you ask me, that’s way cooler than any passing trend or social status.

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