10 Things You Don’t Realize You’re Doing in Public That People Secretly Judge You For

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Public spaces are shared environments, which means that how you act around others can significantly impact their experience. 

Whether you’re on the street, in a café, or at the park, people are constantly observing (and judging) how you behave.

There are some habits you might not even be aware of that could lead to others forming silent judgments about you.

Here are ten things you might be doing in public that people secretly judge you for—and tips on how to avoid them.

1) Loud Phone Conversations

Imagine being in a quiet café, reading a book or working on your laptop, when suddenly someone at the next table starts a loud phone conversation. 

Instantly, the entire atmosphere changes, and your peaceful moment is disrupted.

This scenario is all too common, and chances are you’ve been on both sides of it.

Talking loudly on the phone in public spaces can be incredibly disruptive to those around you.

While it might seem like an innocent action, it signals a lack of consideration for others who are simply trying to go about their day.

Sure, it’s important to take calls, but you don’t need to broadcast your conversation to the entire room.

Keep your voice at a reasonable level, or better yet, step outside or find a more private place to talk. 

2) Not Picking Up After Your Pet

If you’re a pet owner, you know that taking your dog for a walk is part of your daily routine.

But with that responsibility comes the expectation that you’ll clean up after your pet. 

Unfortunately, not everyone takes this seriously.

Leaving your pet’s mess in public spaces isn’t just unsanitary—it’s incredibly inconsiderate to those who have to walk or jog in those areas.

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It can ruin someone’s day and give you a bad reputation among your neighbors or community.

Always make sure you have waste bags with you when you take your dog out, and don’t hesitate to clean up.

It’s a small task that shows respect for others and the environment.

3) Blocking the Sidewalk

Have you ever been walking down the street, only to come to a complete stop because someone is standing in the middle of the sidewalk, oblivious to the fact that they’re in the way? 

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This common occurrence is one of those subtle actions that frustrates others without you even realizing it.

Whether you’ve stopped to check your phone or you’re walking with a group that’s taking up the entire sidewalk, it’s essential to be mindful of those around you.

Sidewalks are shared spaces, and blocking them makes it difficult for others to get by.

If you need to stop, move to the side and allow people to pass.

It’s a small gesture that goes a long way in maintaining courtesy in public spaces.

4) Talking During a Movie

Talking during a movie is universally disliked, yet it’s something people continue to do. 

Whether it’s whispering a comment to your friend or answering a phone call during a crucial scene, your actions can be incredibly disruptive to everyone else in the theater.

When people go to the movies, they’re paying for an immersive experience.

Talking, texting, or even loudly eating can break that immersion and frustrate those around you.

Save your comments for after the film or keep them brief and quiet if you absolutely must say something.

Being mindful of others in the cinema is a sign of respect for the shared experience.

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5) Leaving Your Shopping Cart in the Parking Lot

It’s tempting to leave your shopping cart wherever is most convenient after loading your groceries into your car, but this small act can cause a ripple effect of inconvenience for others.

A rogue shopping cart can block parking spaces, create hazards, or even damage cars if the wind catches it just right.

Returning your shopping cart to the designated area only takes a few extra seconds and makes a big difference for everyone else.

It’s an act of consideration that shows you’re thinking beyond your own convenience and keeping public spaces functional for everyone.

6) Ignoring the Homeless

Walking past someone experiencing homelessness without acknowledging them may seem like the easiest course of action, especially when you’re in a hurry or unsure how to respond.

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However, ignoring them completely can come off as cold and uncaring.

You’re not obligated to give money, but simple gestures like a smile or a brief conversation can humanize someone who might otherwise feel invisible. 

By showing empathy, you’re contributing to a culture of kindness. 

People may judge you for your indifference, but a little bit of compassion can go a long way in fostering a more connected and understanding society.

7) Being Glued to Your Phone

With smartphones becoming an extension of our daily lives, it’s common to see people glued to their screens in public. 

While it’s understandable to check your messages or scroll through social media.

Being overly absorbed in your phone can make you seem detached and uninterested in the world around you.

Whether you’re walking down the street, sitting in a restaurant, or attending an event, it’s essential to strike a balance between screen time and being present in the moment.

Constantly being on your phone can signal that you’re not paying attention to your surroundings or to the people you’re with, which can come across as rude.

So, take a break from the screen and engage with the world around you.

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8) Over-Apologizing

Apologizing when you’ve done something wrong is appropriate and necessary.

But over-apologizing, especially for things that aren’t your fault can undermine your self-confidence and make you appear overly submissive. 

It’s a habit many people fall into without realizing how it affects how others see them.

When you apologize for things beyond your control, it can signal insecurity and a lack of self-assuredness. 

Instead, reserve your apologies for situations where they’re genuinely warranted. 

Being more mindful of when and why you say “sorry” will help you project confidence and self-respect.

9) Littering

Littering might seem like a small, inconsequential act, but it’s one of those behaviors that people silently judge harshly.

Leaving trash in public spaces shows a lack of respect for both the environment and the people who share that space with you.

Litter not only makes an area look unsightly but also contributes to environmental degradation.

It can harm wildlife and pollute waterways, causing long-term damage. 

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Always take a moment to properly dispose of your trash, whether it’s a coffee cup, a candy wrapper, or anything else.

Keeping public spaces clean is a shared responsibility that benefits everyone.

10) Not Respecting Personal Space

Personal space is something we all value, yet it’s easy to forget when we’re in a crowded public area.

Whether you’re standing too close to someone in line or sitting right next to someone in an otherwise empty room, invading personal space can make others feel uncomfortable.

Being aware of how close you are to others is crucial for maintaining social etiquette. 

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Give people enough room to feel comfortable, and avoid crowding them unnecessarily.

Respecting personal space is a fundamental part of navigating public interactions, and not doing so can lead to others silently judging your social awareness.


Public behavior matters more than we often realize.

While you may not intend to be rude or disruptive, certain habits can cause others to form negative opinions about you.

By being mindful of how your actions affect those around you, you can avoid these common pitfalls and help make public spaces more pleasant for everyone.

From keeping your voice down during phone calls to respecting personal space, small changes can make a big difference in how you’re perceived in public.

So next time you’re out and about, consider how your actions might be affecting those around you—because chances are, someone is paying attention.

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Seyi Funmi

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