The word “flirting” is probably the first thing that comes to mind when you consider dating and enticing a spouse. It’s a fantastic method to attract someone’s attention and express your interest in them.
One can flirt subtly or excessively. It can be sexy, funny, or adorable.
Additionally, it can only be a glance or a specific way of speaking with specific phrases. Flirting may be the key to attracting the person you’ve had your eye on, or it may backfire.
Flirting entails some danger.
Although flirting can be a huge, embarrassing failure, it can also be a terrific approach to express that you’d like to know the other person better.
Have you ever made an attempt to flirt with someone and been completely ignored or ridiculed? You may be reluctant to flirt if that is the case. You might not want to be alone and lonely, but your insecurities about your flirting abilities may be keeping you that way.
It takes expertise to flirt, and some people find it easier than others.
Being extroverted and self-assured may make flirting seem insignificant or unfavorable to you.
However, flirting is certainly something you don’t do very often if you’re timid, feel uncomfortable moving outside of your comfort zone, or frequently feel awkward. Anyone can be a successful flirt, therefore you should realize that.
Even while your flirting style may not sound or seem like someone else’s, you can still achieve the outcomes you desire. Instead of telling yourself that you “can’t” flirt, isn’t it time to learn how to flirt while remaining true to yourself?
Before we share techniques to help you flirt more effectively, remember this: Flirting is a powerful method for attracting a partner and with that power comes a need for caution.
Five things to keep in mind when it comes to flirting:
1. Make sure the other person is available
There’s nothing worse for your love life than to flirt with someone who is already in a committed relationship or who is out on a date that you’re interrupting. Be aware of your surroundings and only flirt with those who are clearly available.
2. Make sure you are available
If you’re already with someone or you’ve promised to be monogamous with your partner, do not flirt with someone else. Flirting is not “no big deal” nor is it “innocent” if you’re already in a relationship. In these cases, it’s a trust-breaker.
3. Pay attention to power dynamics
If you are in a position of authority over the person you are flirting with, it might be confusing and feel like you are pressuring the other person. Think about power dynamics and potential consequences before you flirt.
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4. Only flirt when it’s appropriate
The middle of a board meeting at work or during a parent-teacher conference at your kid’s school are two examples of times it’s most likely not appropriate to flirt. Wait until the meeting is over and then pour on the charm.
5. Get the message if your flirting is unwanted
Even if the one you want is available, he or she might not welcome your flirting. There are tons of reasons why and it doesn’t necessarily mean you are being rejected. Honor the other person’s wishes and back off if that’s the response you get.
Here are four flirting techniques that are so effective it’s scary:
1. Flirt without words using non-verbal cues
There’s no need for a smooth pick-up line. Catch the gaze of the one you’re interested in and look into his or her eyes for a few seconds longer than you normally would.
Make sure to smile in a soft and warm way too. Non-verbal cues can be confusing, so make sure you are feeling on the inside what you want to convey on the outside. This makes a big difference.
2. Be your authentic self as you flirt
Don’t force or be fake about what you say or how you act. Don’t pretend like you’re someone you’re not to hide embarrassment or insecurity.
This will all come through and send the other person running in the opposite direction.
Let flirting come as naturally to you as possible and be honest. Planning out what to say before you flirt will most likely cause you to seem stiff or unreal.
It’s better to work more on your mood and confidence than it is to think up the perfect thing to say or try to be.
3. Get curious (but not creepy)
Get to know the person you’re flirting with by being curious about them. Ask questions that you really want answers to, listen, and engage as he or she talks.
Don’t let your nervousness hijack your focus. In other words, don’t sit and think about what witty thing you’ll say next as the other person talks and answers your question.
You’ll miss a great opportunity to connect and your flirting won’t roll out naturally because you weren’t really paying attention.
When you ask questions about the other person, make sure you’re not getting too personal too fast, and don’t grill them for facts.
Let yourself be led by what you really want to know about the person you’re attracted to, and the conversation and flirting will happen more organically.
4. Let the best version of yourself shine through
If you want to be great at flirting, be your best self. This starts when you recognize that you’ve got some fabulous qualities. There is no room for low self-confidence or insecurity when attracting a date or a partner, so take the time to boost your self-esteem.
Let what’s wonderful and attractive about you shine through. If you don’t know what that is, discover it and, once you do, you’ll find that flirting is actually easy and fun.
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