Here Are The 5 Types of Soulmates You’ll Meet in Your Lifetime

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  • Post last modified:Jan 27, 2025
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Let me start by saying that the word “soulmate” gets thrown around quite a bit these days, and it can be easy to dismiss it as a romantic fantasy.

I used to feel that way myself, until I started looking at the relationships in my life through a new lens.

What if a soulmate isn’t just one person? What if it’s a series of different people we meet along the way, each shaping and changing us in their own unique way?

As I’ve journeyed through life and love, I’ve come to believe that there are different types of soulmates.

Some stay forever, some drift in and out, and others completely shake up everything you thought you knew.

Whether they’re friends, lovers, or even strangers, these people play a significant role in your life.

Let me take you through what I believe are the five types of soulmates we meet in our lifetime, based on my own experiences and countless stories I’ve heard from friends, family, and yes, even strangers.

1. The Friendship Soulmate

I’ve always found it fascinating how certain people come into your life and instantly get you. 

It’s like they’ve known you forever, even though you’ve only just met. 

That’s what I think of when I talk about a friendship soulmate.

These are the people who show up in our lives and become our confidants, our sounding boards, and our biggest cheerleaders.

From the moment you meet them, there’s an instant connection.

You don’t have to explain yourself because they already understand you.

You can tell them your deepest fears, your wildest dreams, and your most embarrassing moments without hesitation.

It’s a bond built on trust, laughter, and mutual respect.

For me, my best friend is my friendship soulmate.

She came into my life at a time when I didn’t even know I needed her. 

We’ve been through everything together—heartbreaks, career changes, family dramas. 

She knows me better than I know myself sometimes, and I’ve come to realize that friendships like these are rare and precious.

These friendship soulmates are the ones who stick around through thick and thin.

They don’t just pop in and out of your life; they’re there for the long haul. 

Whether you talk every day or catch up after months apart, the bond is unshakable.

If you’re lucky enough to have one, hold onto them tight, because these friendships are a gift from the universe.

2. The Wrecking Ball Soulmate

This type of soulmate is one you never see coming. 

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They don’t arrive in your life quietly; they crash into it with the force of a hurricane.

I call them the wrecking ball soulmate because that’s exactly what they do.

They wreck everything you thought you knew about yourself, your relationships, and the world around you.

I’ve had the pleasure (and pain) of meeting one of these soulmates, and let me tell you, it wasn’t easy.

This person came into my life when I was on autopilot, thinking I had it all figured out. Then they shook everything up.

They made me question who I was and what I wanted.

It was exhilarating at first—the chemistry, the excitement, the feeling of being alive. But like all tornadoes, it couldn’t last forever.

When it ended, I was left feeling like I had been tossed around, unsure of what had just happened.

But here’s the thing about wrecking ball soulmates—they come into your life for a reason.

As painful as that experience was, it forced me to rebuild from the ground up. 

I had to rethink everything and in doing so, I found a version of myself that was stronger, wiser, and more grounded than before.

These soulmates may not stay in your life, but they leave a lasting impact.

They change you in ways that are both challenging and beautiful.

They’re a reminder that sometimes, we need to be broken down in order to be built back up.

3. The Lover/Affair Soulmate

Not all soulmates are meant to stay forever, and that’s okay. 

Some come into our lives for a season, teach us valuable lessons, and then move on.

The lover or affair soulmate is one of these fleeting connections, but that doesn’t make them any less important.

These are the relationships that, at first, may not seem like much.

There might not be fireworks or an instant connection, but over time, something deep and meaningful forms.

This person may be a first love, someone you share a brief but intense relationship with, or even an affair that shakes you to your core.

These relationships often teach us about love, desire, and who we are in the context of intimacy.

I’ve had a couple of these relationships in my life, and while they didn’t last forever, they were profound.

One in particular stands out to me. It wasn’t love at first sight, but as we spent more time together, I realized how much I was learning about myself.

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This person showed me parts of myself I had ignored or didn’t even know existed.

When it ended, there was no bitterness, just gratitude for the time we had shared and the lessons I had learned.

Often, these relationships end on good terms. 

There’s a mutual understanding that you were meant to be in each other’s lives for a reason, and once that reason has been fulfilled, it’s time to move on.

But the connection, the impact, stays with you forever.

4. The Complete Stranger

Have you ever met someone in passing and felt an instant connection, even though you didn’t know them? 

This is the complete stranger soulmate, and while their presence in your life is brief, it’s unforgettable.

I’ve had this happen to me more than once. One particular time stands out—it was a random encounter with a stranger while traveling.

We struck up a conversation, and within minutes, it felt like I had known this person my entire life.

We talked for hours, about everything and nothing. And then, just like that, they were gone.

We never exchanged contact information, but the memory of that encounter stayed with me.

I believe that these soulmates come into our lives when we need them most.

They may not stay, but they offer us something valuable—a piece of wisdom, a new perspective, or even just a moment of human connection that reminds us we’re not alone.

These strangers often say exactly what we need to hear, or they push us in a direction we were afraid to go.

The encounter is fleeting, but it leaves a mark on your soul.

You may never see them again, but you’ll always remember how they made you feel.

5. The Divine Love Soulmate

This is the soulmate we all dream of meeting—the one who feels like a perfect fit in every way. 

The divine love soulmate is the person who encompasses all of the qualities of the other soulmates: they’re your best friend, your lover, your greatest challenge, and your deepest connection.

If you’re lucky, you’ll meet this person in your lifetime. 

I like to think that the universe brings them to us when we’re truly ready for them.

This isn’t just a romanticized notion of love; it’s a deep, soul-level connection that goes beyond physical attraction or shared interests.

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It’s a love that feels timeless, like you’ve known each other for lifetimes before and will continue to know each other for lifetimes to come.

When you meet this person, there’s an undeniable sense of recognition.

It’s like all the puzzle pieces of your life suddenly fit together.

There’s a deep, unshakeable bond between you—a sense that no matter what happens, this person is your partner in every sense of the word. You’re not just in love; you’re soul-aligned.

I’ve always believed that if we’re patient and open, the universe will guide us to this person.

They may not show up when we expect them, and the timing may not always be perfect, but when they arrive, we’ll know.

And if we’re lucky enough to spend our lives with this person, we’ll experience a love that is truly divine.


Soulmates come in many forms, and they each serve a different purpose in our lives. 

Some stay forever, others only for a brief moment, but all of them leave an indelible mark on our souls.

Whether it’s the deep bond of friendship, the transformative power of a wrecking ball soulmate, or the fleeting yet profound connection with a stranger, these relationships help us grow, heal, and become who we are meant to be.

If I’ve learned anything in my life, it’s that we don’t just have one soulmate. 

We have many, and they appear when we need them most.

So, keep your heart open, embrace each connection for what it is, and trust that the universe will guide you to the soulmates you are meant to meet along the way.

Because in the end, every soulmate—whether they stay or go—is a gift that helps shape our journey.

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