7 Signs a Guy is Playing You For A Fool

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It’s easy to get swept off your feet when you meet someone who seems to check all the right boxes. 

His charm, wit, and attention can feel like a whirlwind of emotions, pulling you deeper into the idea of a potential relationship. 

But sometimes, beneath the surface, there are subtle signs that he’s not in it for the same reasons you are. 

These signs can be deceiving, especially when emotions cloud your judgment. 

The hard truth is – some men aren’t looking for love—they’re playing a game, and unfortunately, you might be the unwitting player. 

If you’ve ever felt confused, undervalued, or stuck in a situationship, it’s time to open your eyes and see things for what they truly are. The actions—or lack thereof—speak louder than words. 

Let’s break down the behaviors that show he’s not serious about you. If your guy does any of these seven things, it’s time to reassess where you stand.

1. He Tells You He Doesn’t Want a Relationship, But You Date Him Anyway  

Imagine you meet a guy who ticks so many of the boxes on your mental list. He’s attractive, intelligent, and knows how to hold a conversation that keeps you hooked. 

On your first date, he casually drops a bombshell: “I’m not really looking for a relationship right now.” But his charm and the undeniable chemistry between you convince you to stick around, hoping you can be the exception to the rule.  

Here’s the truth: when a man says he doesn’t want a relationship, believe him. His words are not a challenge or a secret code you need to decode—they are a direct warning. 

Choosing to ignore this and hoping he’ll change his mind is a mistake. 

Relationships are built on mutual intent and effort, and starting off with mismatched expectations sets you up for heartbreak.  

It may feel hard to walk away, especially when there’s potential, but holding onto someone who’s already told you they’re unavailable emotionally will only leave you feeling used. 

The sooner you move on, the sooner you can open yourself to someone who wants the same things as you do.  

2. He Flirts With You, But Doesn’t Ask You Out  

You see him regularly—at work, the gym, or even at church—and every encounter is filled with playful banter and lingering smiles.

He knows just how to turn your head and make your heart skip a beat. But there’s one glaring issue: he never actually asks you out.  

Why? Because flirting is easy and low-risk. It’s a way for him to soak up attention and boost his ego without having to put in any real effort.

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If a man truly wants to pursue you, he will. He won’t just flirt endlessly without taking the next step.  

The hard truth is that his lack of action is your biggest clue. Whether he’s unsure about his feelings, emotionally unavailable, or simply uninterested, it doesn’t matter.

If he isn’t making a move to spend real time with you, he’s not serious about you. Don’t waste your time trying to figure him out—invest it in someone who doesn’t hesitate to show their interest.

3. He Says He’s Never Been in Love  

At first, it might sound endearing when a man confesses that he’s never been in love. There’s a certain vulnerability in his words that can make you feel like you’ve found your very own romantic project.

You might think, “He just hasn’t met the right person yet—maybe I’m the one who can change that.” 

But take a step back and consider the bigger picture.

If he’s an adult, especially over 30 or 40, and he’s never been in love, it’s likely not because he hasn’t found the right person—it’s because he doesn’t want to be in love.

Whether it’s due to fear of commitment, emotional unavailability, or past trauma, it’s not your job to “fix” him.  

Attempting to turn him into someone who’s ready for love will only leave you feeling frustrated and heartbroken. 

You can’t make someone feel something they’ve spent their whole life avoiding. Instead of falling into this trap, walk away with your dignity intact. 

Save your energy for someone who’s open to love and ready to meet you halfway.

4. He Texts, But Doesn’t Have Time to See You  

He sends you sweet messages every morning—“Good morning, beautiful”—and checks in throughout the day with witty banter or flirty remarks.

It feels nice to have that kind of attention, and you might start thinking he’s genuinely interested in you. But here’s the catch: he never actually makes time to see you in person. 

While texting can feel like a modern way to stay connected, it’s also the easiest way for someone to give the illusion of interest without any real commitment.

If a man is serious about you, he’ll make an effort to spend quality time with you, not just hide behind a screen.  

The harsh reality is you’re likely not the only woman receiving those “Good morning” texts. 

For some men, texting is simply a way to boost their ego, not a genuine attempt to build a connection. 

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Don’t waste your time falling for words that aren’t backed up by actions. If he’s serious about you, he’ll show it by making plans to see you and prioritizing you in his life.  

5. He’s Newly Divorced and Isn’t Ready for Anything Serious, But Wants to “See Where Things Go”  

You meet a man who seems wonderful—he’s charming, kind, and refreshingly honest. 

Early on, he admits he’s recently divorced and not looking for anything serious. But then he adds a tantalizing line: “Let’s just see where things go.” 

That little bit of hope he dangles can be hard to resist. You think, “I’m a great catch—once he gets to know me, he’ll want more.” Unfortunately, this mindset often leads to disappointment.  

When a man says he’s not ready for something serious, take him at his word.

His offer to “see where things go” isn’t a promise; it’s a way to keep things casual while protecting himself from emotional investment. 

You might end up investing your time and heart into someone who isn’t in a place to give you the love and commitment you deserve.  

Respect yourself enough to set boundaries. If a man can’t offer you clarity and commitment, don’t wait around hoping he’ll change his mind.

Walk away and leave space for someone who’s emotionally ready to build something real with you.  

6. He Brings “Takeout” to Your Place, But You Never Go Out  

At first, his suggestion sounds sweet and thoughtful: “How about I bring some takeout, and we have a cozy night in?”

A movie night with food and conversation feels intimate, and you tell yourself it’s a sign of his comfort around you. But as time goes on, you realize something odd—you never actually go out on dates.

This pattern of staying in is a major red flag. 

More often than not, it’s code for a “booty call.” He’s enjoying the convenience of your company without having to put in the effort of a real relationship.

Worse yet, there might be a reason he doesn’t want to be seen with you in public—perhaps he’s already in a relationship or even married.  

A man who values you will want to show you off and take you out on proper dates. If he’s avoiding public outings, it’s time to ask yourself why.

Don’t settle for being someone’s hidden option. Set boundaries early on, and make it clear that you deserve respect, effort, and transparency in any relationship.

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7. You Always Set Up Dates Because He Doesn’t  

You find yourself doing all the heavy lifting in your “relationship.” You’re the one texting him first, calling to check in, and setting up every single date.

While he agrees to meet up when you suggest it, you can’t help but notice that he never takes the initiative.  

At first, you might brush it off—maybe he’s shy, busy, or just not good at planning. But deep down, you know the truth: he’s not putting in the effort because he doesn’t care enough to.

Relationships are a two-way street, and if one person is doing all the work, it’s not a relationship—it’s a placeholder.  

When a man is genuinely interested, he’ll actively pursue you. He’ll want to spend time with you and take the lead sometimes.

If he’s not doing that, it’s because he’s either lazy or waiting for someone else he considers a better fit. Don’t settle for being a backup plan. You deserve someone who will meet you halfway.  


When it comes to relationships, actions speak louder than words.

The signs may not always be glaring, but if you pay attention, you’ll see whether a man is truly interested in building something meaningful with you—or simply keeping you around for his convenience.  

Remember, you don’t need to chase someone who’s serious about you. The right person will make the effort, respect your boundaries, and prioritize you without hesitation.

If you find yourself feeling undervalued, confused, or like you’re putting in all the work, it’s time to step back and reassess.  

You deserve a love that’s mutual, intentional, and fulfilling. Don’t waste your time on someone who doesn’t see your worth.

Walk away, hold your head high, and leave room for the person who will cherish you for exactly who you are.

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Seyi Funmi

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