If Someone Uses These 9 Phrases in a Conversation, They’re Probably a Narcissist

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When you think about the term “narcissist,” what comes to mind? 

For me, it’s that image of someone completely self-absorbed, almost as if the world revolves around them and everyone else is merely a supporting character in their personal story. 

Unfortunately, narcissists are more common than we might like to believe, and they can be tricky to spot, especially because they often mask their true selves under a facade of charm, wit, or confidence.

One of the clearest ways to spot narcissism, though, is by paying close attention to the words people use. 

Narcissists often reveal themselves through the language they choose in everyday conversations. 

So, if you ever find yourself in a situation where someone repeatedly uses certain phrases, you might be dealing with someone who’s more interested in themselves than anyone else. 

Here are nine phrases that, when used too often or in the wrong context, can be a huge red flag.

1) “I, me, my, mine”

Let’s start with the most obvious sign of narcissism—an obsession with oneself. 

Narcissists tend to overuse personal pronouns like “I,” “me,” “my,” and “mine.” Now, don’t get me wrong, we all talk about ourselves at times, but narcissists will somehow make every conversation about them, no matter the topic.

I once had a friend who could turn even the most unrelated conversations back to herself. 

We could be discussing something as broad as world events, and she’d find a way to make it about her—what she thought, how it affected her, what she would have done. 

It was exhausting. Looking back, it was a clear indicator of her narcissistic tendencies. 

Narcissists are masters of self-promotion. 

Every story, every anecdote has to highlight their accomplishments, their struggles, or their opinions. 

If you find yourself always talking about someone else’s life in conversation, it might be time to step back and assess whether you’re dealing with a narcissist.

2) “No one understands me”

This phrase is a personal favorite of narcissists, and I’ve heard it more than I’d care to admit. 

It’s the classic line of someone who believes they’re simply too unique, too special for anyone to comprehend. 

Narcissists love to play the role of the misunderstood genius.

I remember working with a colleague who constantly said this. 

Whenever he received feedback or constructive criticism, his response was always, “You just don’t understand what I’m trying to do.” 

It was as if he saw himself as a misunderstood visionary, and the rest of us were just too simple-minded to grasp his brilliance.

Narcissists use this phrase to elevate themselves, to make you feel like they exist on some higher plane of thought. 

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But what’s really happening is that they’re deflecting responsibility and refusing to engage with any feedback that challenges their inflated sense of self.

3) “I’m not being appreciated enough”

The need for constant validation is another hallmark of narcissism. 

Narcissists often feel that they aren’t getting the recognition they deserve, and they’ll frequently voice this sentiment. 

“I’m not being appreciated enough” is a phrase I’ve heard from narcissists time and time again.

It’s as if no amount of praise or recognition is ever enough. 

They have such a bloated sense of their own worth that anything short of constant admiration feels like a slight. 

They don’t just want appreciation—they demand it, and when they don’t get it, they’ll let you know.

A former boss of mine was like this. No matter how much we praised his work, he always complained that the higher-ups didn’t appreciate him.

He couldn’t understand why he wasn’t getting more accolades, more bonuses, more promotions.

It was as if the world owed him something, and he couldn’t figure out why it hadn’t delivered yet.

4) “I don’t make mistakes”

Let’s be real: we all make mistakes. It’s part of being human. But not for a narcissist. They’re perfect—at least, that’s what they want you to believe. 

“I don’t make mistakes” is the battle cry of someone who refuses to acknowledge their flaws or take responsibility for their actions.

I once confronted someone I was dating about something he’d done that hurt my feelings. 

Instead of apologizing, he responded with, “I don’t make mistakes, so if you’re upset, it’s because you’re misunderstanding what I did.” 

Classic narcissist move. Instead of admitting fault, they’ll twist the situation to make it seem like you’re the one who’s wrong.

Narcissists will go to great lengths to protect their fragile ego, even if it means gaslighting the people around them.

They can’t afford to admit that they might be fallible because doing so would challenge the entire self-image they’ve worked so hard to cultivate.

5) “You’re too sensitive”

Speaking of gaslighting, this is another phrase that narcissists love to use.

“You’re too sensitive” is a quick and easy way for them to dismiss your feelings and shift the blame onto you. 

It’s their way of saying, “It’s not my fault you’re upset, it’s your fault for overreacting.”

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve heard this phrase from people who later revealed themselves to be narcissists.

It’s such an effective tool because it makes you doubt yourself. You start wondering, “Am I being too sensitive? Maybe I’m overreacting.”

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But the truth is, you’re not. Narcissists use this phrase to invalidate your feelings and avoid taking accountability for their actions. 

It’s manipulative, and it’s designed to make you question your own reality. 

So, if someone regularly tells you that you’re “too sensitive,” be cautious—it could be a red flag.

6) “I deserve the best”

It’s perfectly normal to want good things in life. We all do. 

But narcissists take this to the extreme.

They don’t just want the best—they believe they deserve the best, simply by virtue of being who they are. 

And if they don’t get it, they’ll make sure everyone knows they’ve been wronged.

I had a friend who was constantly talking about how she deserved the best of everything—the best job, the best partner, the best treatment from everyone around her. 

She would say things like, “I deserve the best, and if people don’t give it to me, they’re just not worth my time.”

This sense of entitlement is a key characteristic of narcissism. 

Narcissists believe the world owes them, and they feel no need to work for the things they want. 

Instead, they expect them to be handed over on a silver platter, and if they’re not, they’ll blame everyone else but themselves.

7) “I know better”

Ever try to give advice to someone, only to have them brush it off with a dismissive “I know better”? That’s a classic narcissist move.

Narcissists believe they’re smarter, more informed, and more capable than everyone else, and they have no interest in what you have to say.

I had a friend like this, and it didn’t matter what the topic was—he always knew better. 

Whether it was something as simple as picking a restaurant or as complex as career advice, his response was always, “I know better.”

It didn’t take long before I realized he had no interest in anyone else’s opinion.

Narcissists see themselves as the ultimate authority on everything.

They have little to no respect for other people’s perspectives, and they often come across as arrogant or condescending.

It’s not just about having confidence in their knowledge—it’s about completely disregarding anyone else’s input.

8) “I don’t need anyone”

Narcissists are often fiercely independent—but not in a healthy way. 

They’ll tell you, “I don’t need anyone,” and they’ll project this image of self-sufficiency as a way of asserting their superiority.

But what they’re really doing is putting up walls to keep people out.

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I dated someone who constantly said this. “I don’t need anyone,” he’d tell me, usually after an argument where I’d tried to get him to open up emotionally.

It wasn’t that he didn’t need anyone—he just didn’t want to be vulnerable or let anyone get close enough to challenge his sense of control.

This kind of extreme independence can be a defense mechanism for narcissists.

By convincing themselves they don’t need anyone, they avoid the discomfort of relying on others or showing any kind of emotional weakness.

But the truth is, no one is truly independent. We all need connection and support, whether we admit it or not.

9) “Everyone is jealous of me”

Last but certainly not least, we have the ultimate narcissistic phrase: “Everyone is jealous of me.” 

This is the grand finale in the narcissist’s repertoire, a statement that not only inflates their ego but also casts everyone else as envious or inferior.

I remember a former coworker who would always say, “People are just jealous of me,” whenever she faced any criticism or pushback. 

It didn’t matter if the feedback was valid—she dismissed it all as jealousy. 

In her mind, there was no other possible explanation for why people might not agree with or praise her.

Narcissists often see jealousy as a form of validation. 

If people are jealous of them, it must mean they’re doing something right. 

But in reality, it’s just another way for them to deflect criticism and avoid any kind of introspection.


At the end of the day, it’s not just the words themselves that reveal narcissism—it’s the patterns of behavior that accompany them. Narciss

ists consistently put themselves at the center of everything, deflect blame, and manipulate those around them.

So, if you recognize these phrases in someone’s vocabulary, pay close attention to their overall behavior. 

It might just be a clue to something deeper going on.

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Seyi Funmi

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