7 Ways To Make Him Regret Ghosting You

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It feels incredibly satisfying to make a guy regret ghosting you.

Picture him coming back, begging for your attention… 

And you, holding all the power, deciding if you even want to acknowledge him. 

It’s a powerful feeling when someone who wronged you ends up regretting their mistake—especially when that mistake was losing you.

But here’s the thing…

If you want to make a guy regret ghosting you, you need to understand why he ghosted you in the first place and then handle the situation like a mature woman who truly doesn’t care. 

The key is to avoid any missteps that might weaken your position or make you appear desperate.

Now let get into the topic, How to Make a Guy Regret Ghosting You

1. Go No Contact

Going No Contact is the most effective way to make a guy regret ghosting you.

When you cut off all communication, you not only forget about him but also create space for someone more deserving of your time—someone better.

No Contact means exactly that: no texts, no calls, no checking his stories, no comments, and no likes.

No matter how strong the urge is to reach out, resist it unless it’s a life-or-death situation. 

Every time you contact him, you validate his decision to ghost you.

He’ll think, “I ghosted her, and she’s still reaching out?”—not a good place for your ego to be.

So, unless there’s a serious reason to speak to him, avoid it at all costs.

The less you engage, the more respect you’ll gain. But remember, this only works if you’re consistent. Know your worth, and he will too.

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2. Resist the Urge to Get His Attention

It’s natural to want to get his attention after being ghosted. After all, how else will he realize he lost someone special? 

But every time you try to get his attention, you’re investing more energy in him. And he’s already taken up more mental space than he deserves.

Instead of trying to make him notice you, focus on giving him zero energy. 

The more you care about getting something, the harder it becomes to attain. But when you stop caring, it often comes to you naturally—sometimes to the point where you don’t even want it anymore.

So, forget about trying to catch his eye with extra posts or stories. 

Any noticeable change in your behavior will only feed his ego. The key is to act as normal as possible. 

The less attention you give him, the more you’ll regain your own.

3. Explore New Connections

There are billions of people in the world, yet when you’re attached to one person, it can feel like they’re the only one.

If you truly grasp that there are better connections out there, you won’t care about the one you lost. 

Think of it like this: if you lost $1,000 but later made a million, would you lose sleep over that $1,000?

This is how you should approach relationships as well. 

It doesn’t have to be limited to romantic connections—focus on friendships and other relationships that actually benefit you. 

The more you engage with new people, the less you’ll think about the one who wasn’t worth it.

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And here’s the bonus: just by trying to form new connections, you’re already on the path to moving on. 

The world is full of opportunities to meet like-minded individuals. So why focus on someone who doesn’t appreciate you when you can find someone who does?

4. Don’t Give Him Your Attention

This is where most people falter. They stick to No Contact—until the guy who ghosted them reaches out. Then, they quickly forgive and forget, only to be ghosted again.

Before you make that mistake, remember all the times he ignored you and prioritized other things over you. 

Don’t just forgive and forget because he suddenly gave you a little attention. 

By lowering your standards, you teach him that it’s okay to treat you poorly. 

To be treated with respect, you need to have high standards and strong boundaries. 

If he realizes there are consequences for ghosting you, he’ll think twice before doing it again.

5. Find Joy in Your Own Life

The best way to get over a negative experience is to replace it with positive ones. 

I’m not talking about temporary distractions like a night out with friends, but rather long-term, productive experiences that genuinely enrich your life.

When you fill your life with meaningful activities, you’ll find it easier to move on. 

Think about the things you’ve always wanted to do but kept postponing. Now is the perfect time to focus on them.

As you grow and live a more fulfilling life, you’ll naturally distance yourself from your past. And when you look back, you’ll realize that you’ve moved on without even trying. 

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6. Be Patient with Yourself

Nobody gets over a valuable relationship overnight. It takes time and patience to heal and move forward.

Promise yourself that you won’t go back to old habits, like trying to get his attention or contacting him. 

Give yourself the time to heal and adapt, and remember that only you can grant yourself that patience.


The best way to make a guy regret ghosting you is not to focus on making him regret it at all.

You need to rise above that way of thinking. 

When you focus on living your best life without him, your life will naturally become better without him. 

And when you reach that point, even if he does come crawling back, you won’t find satisfaction in it because you’ll have already moved on. 

Let stop here for today, thanks for reading.

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