How to Become a Millionaire (7 Principles to Get RICH)

  • Post last modified:February 20, 2024
  • Post category:Inspiration
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There is so much misinformation out there when it comes to the actual steps of becoming a millionaire.

There’s so much more involved in getting rich and changing your life financially than just watching a couple videos on YouTube or reading various Blog Post online about how to make money.

Today I’m going to reveal to you the secret traits of what it really takes to become a millionaire.

I guarantee if you stick around this article until the end you’re going to read things and get a perspective that can shift the way you think about your everyday life.

We live In a time now where you no longer need to go to college for 4 years in order to gain knowledge and make money.

The technology that we use in our modern times is sometimes known as a curse but I believe when used correctly it can be a blessing.

The knowledge that we have access to right at our fingertips can change our lives for the better and even has the ability to make us financially free.

Today I’m going to tell you exactly how to crack the code in order to do this for yourself.

So if you have spent any time on social media looking for ways to make money, you will always see people pushing a certain foolproof ways to make money and will almost always have a course ready to sell for you on it but here’s the problem with this.

Everyone reading this article right now is in a different life situation, no two people are exactly the same and what works well for one person may be different for another person.

I am going to tell you something that no one will really tell you, there is no black and white one size fits all to become a millionaire for every single person.

This is why I personally can never sell a course or a program on this blog or anywhere else. Now I will reveal to you the steps to climbing your way to millions of dollars

7 Principles to Become a Millionaire

I have compile a list of steps you need to follow in order to become a millionaire, do well to reading the entire blog spot from beginning to the end

1. Set Clear And Specific Goals

The number one step to becoming a millionaire is you need to set clear and specific goals, sit down and ask yourself this question WHAT ARE MY FIVE BIGGEST GOALS IN LIFE?

Clearly Define what you want to achieve then break down your goals in smaller actionable steps with specific goals, let me give you an example:

You saying I want to get rich is not a specific goal.

If you say I will spend 2 hours of my day learning a new skill that will eventually make me money.

This is an actionable statement and you are more likely to act on this statement rather than you just going around and telling People that you’re going to get rich off the internet.

You need to ask yourself why do I want to achieve this wealth in my life.

The desire of money alone is not enough of a reason for you to pursue this million dollars status.

If you have this mentality that you want to get rich and you want to make money and you don’t care about how you do it.

This mentality and this desire for money can cause you to fall into traps which will then put you in a worse position than you were.

To begin with, for what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul. There has to be purpose behind your goals in life.

For me I always had this feeling that the society’s view of success would set us up for ultimate failure.

The society’s view of success will tell you! “get that new car“, “land that corporate job” you’re not successful and stable unless you get that college education, party every weekend, but guess what?

Life is short these are all lies, that Society will tell you and convince you that this is equal to success whereas my view of success is I want to feel healthy, I want to be able to travel wherever I want, when I want.

I want time freedom to commit more time to my family, I believe that freedom is equal to happiness.

You have to believe that you are worthy of this life, people will stay at jobs that they hate where they’re being mistreated and they’re just miserable because they think that’s what they deserve.

This all boils down to self worth.

You have to know that you are worth more than settling for less than you deserve in life. You have to believe that you are special and see your differences and how you are different from other people.

2. Learn a High Value Skill

The second thing that I need you to do, is to learn a high value skill set a minimum of 2 hours a day to work towards what I’m about to tell you with no distractions.

And before you say well I’m busy, you’re probably already spending this time scrolling on social media without even really knowing it.

Making daily sacrifices is essential to success.

So what is a high value / High income skill? This is a skill that you can easily monetize.

Examples of this would be content creation, video editing, online sales and the list goes on.

Choose one of these skills that interests you, start selecting Blogs or YouTube channels to learn from.

On this blog alone I have over 20 free courses you can learn from.

I want you to read those free guides and start studying these to find what’s going to work for you, and set a goal of how many times a week you’re going to commit to this.

If you absolutely can’t find 2 hours of your day to do this then pick one to two days out of your week to commit to learning.

Learning new skills and opening your mind to how many ways there are to make money online can really get your gears going to start seeing ways that you’re going to make money in your own life.

So why isn’t everybody doing it then if all this information is out there and everywhere? What makes you so special?

That’s because people are too busy scrolling on their phones reading garbage content and trying so hard to get their dopamine fixed. Reading pointless post every day with zero value

3. prioritise and eliminate time

Think about activities that you do on a daily basis and ask yourself what is this activity adding into my life?

I’m going to put emphasis on the fact that you need to filter and eliminate distractions such as excessive social media use or unproductive habits. 

Start prioritizing tasks that align with your goals and start thinking of your time as money, spend your time where you will know you will be provided with the highest return on that time investment. 

One thing that can help you do this is start planning your days in advance.

Before you go to bed, write down eight things that you want to complete the next day, rank the tasks in the order that you are going to complete them.

Then make sure you get them done with no excuses and of course enjoy the process as you’re doing it.

Wanting to upgrade your life or want to do things that are going to help you to become a better person shouldn’t feel painful.

4. Make sacrifices

Only start doing the things that get you closer to your goals, if they’re not cut off! Going to the club? no, thank you.

Getting drunk? absolutely not! Alcohol is scientifically proven to increase levels of dopamine which will lead to feelings of Happiness without you knowing.

Parting and excessive drinking is known to give you that feelings of feeling complete to where you’ll no longer start caring about your goals.

since you are now obtaining that feeling from a substance this goes for any addiction.

Any activity that does not move you closer to your dreams immediately eliminates them and of course prioritizes your health and sleeping schedules.

Personally I am not waking up at 6:00 a.m. to get tasks done.

This  is definitely controversial but I became an entrepreneur because I wanted complete Freedom over my time.

So this days i do not ever set alarms to wake me up but yet I do indeed get all my TASKS done.

So by sleeping schedule, You don’t have to be perfect all the time but it is extremely important to get the right amount of sleep every single night and there have been countless health studies showing the importance of this.

start focusing on The Daily habits in your life and you will get the outcomes, Your Daily Habits Define Your Future. There’s this quote that I see all the time on social media that I absolutely love. 

“Getting a college degree is hard, starting a business is hard, choose your Hard. working a 9 to 5 is hard, having your own business is hard, choose your Hard.”

life in itself was not promised for us to be easy, so no matter what, don’t ever think of anything in this world that’s going to be an easy task.

Nothing in life that’s worth it, is easy.

Start spending your time and money on things that are going to improve the quality of your life.

Use your money to make more money, invest, feel better, food choices and look better with grooming.

5. Be Prepared to Cut People Off

Only surround yourself with supportive people who uplift, Inspire and encourage you.

They may seem supportive now but once you start making bigger moves in your life that support might disappear. 

If someone undervalues your dreams or achievements, consider distancing yourself from them.

Share your wins with people who genuinely support you and learn to let go of negative unsupportive people.

You do not owe anyone an explanation as to why you are doing things that you want to do.

You also don’t owe anyone an explanation as to why you are spending time working on your goals and not hanging out with them.

You and your future come FIRST

Friends will come and go all throughout your life but you have to live with yourself for the rest of your life.

The real Flex is having friends that you can be your authentic self with, if people in your life don’t understand your Visions or your goals you don’t need their approval or validation. 

Trust me I understand that in our era it is so difficult to find real friends.

I do encourage you that if you cannot find these friends that do encourage you, that do hype you up, that do support you, it’s better to stay by yourself and eventually you will be blessed with the perfect Friends when the time is right.

6. Be Consistent

You are not going to see results right away no matter what you do to make money, you also have to be willing to do the boring tasks that contribute to your progress even though they might be a little boring.

Remember that small steps lead to Big achievements, progressing slowly is better than not progressing at all.

I remember how discouraging it was when I restarted my entrepreneurship journey in 2020.

The first month that I started my online store I got zero sales and I immediately just questioned like why am I even doing this, why did I even start this.

Like I was almost embarrassed because I did tell a friend about it, although she was supportive, but I was still embarrassed because I wasn’t seeing that quick results that I thought I would see.

But guess what? I had faith, I stayed consistent and step by step trial through error I got to where I am today, I can admit I failed multiple times and you will too but you have to always remember it is never a failure always a lesson. 

7. Use Your Blessings As Stepping Stones

My seventh and Final principle which I think really contributed to my success of becoming a millionaire is to use your blessings as stepping stones. 

What if I told you that everything you have in front of you right now is enough to achieve success in your life.

You already have every single tool that you might need and before I say this I want you to close your eyes and take a deep breath because this topic is so simple to understand yet so hard for us to do on a daily basis. 

I want you to remember you woke up today, you are breathing, you have the ability to learn and be cognitive as to what I’m telling you.

You have the ability to dream and have these Visions for your life. 

You have a friend or family member that cares, your heart is beating, you have a healthy mind, you have a roof over your head, you are kind to others, you can see, always remember the little things in life as they are really the big things.

Time is a gift in itself so start using your time that you have to work towards the purpose in your life.

Staying focused and maybe you’re missing out on some fun, maybe you’re missing out on some little memories but that one day that you spent working towards your future is now gaining you a life of Freedom.

You have to use the blessings that you have in your life right now in order to work towards bigger blessings in your life.

Life is going to throw so many different things your way and you have to have your armor ready and put on in order to face those things every day.

But just remember it doesn’t matter if you are young or old every single day that you are waking up God has a plan for your life.

So don’t ever think that you’re too late in life for something or that you messed up too many times in the past that you’re not going to try it again because the only person that is telling you that is yourself. 

Final Words

So it’s time to change that way of thinking in order to work towards a better you.

I focus on three things with my blog and that is to uplift, Inspire, and to educate others using my blog as your source.

Remember like I said in the beginning of this article, I have an entire category of 100% free Guides and courses you can refer to. 

I have tested out every single thing in those categories and I know what works and what doesn’t work.

I will never recommend something to you that I feel like is a waste of your time or would not add value to your education and learning about entrepreneurship or online business.

I’m so grateful to have been able to make this blog post today for you guys and I hope it uplifted you in some way even if you don’t have anyone in your life that supports you,.

I SUPPORT YOU and I want to see you winning that’s why I started this blog.

THANK You for your time today and may God keep his hand on you with everything that you choose to do I will see you guys LATER…………

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